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Sirloin Steak

Sirloin Steak

Each frozen package of dry-aged sirloin steak weighs approximately 1lb and comes with two-inch-thick steaks per package.
$22.50 /lb.
Avg. 1.07 lb.
  • 14-Day Dry-Aged Beef
  • Grain-Finished 
  • No Added Hormones 
  • 100% Nebraska Raised 
  • Great for steak lovers

Sirloin steak comes from just behind the ribs and before the hip bones of the steer. It has a firm, rich texture and flavor. 

Our family loves an easy, delicious stir fry made with our sirloin steak. To prepare this incredibly easy meal, cut the sirloin steak into bite-sized pieces and cook through to desired doneness on a hot pan. Add your choice of sauteed vegetables, rice, and stir fry sauce to a large skillet or wok, and watch as plates get licked clean!

76 Cattle Co.’s premium beef is locally raised on our family farm in Nebraska. Our expertly dry-aged beef is USDA-inspected before it reaches your family’s table, guaranteeing nourishing meals you can depend on. 

Each frozen package of dry-aged sirloin steak weighs approximately 1lb and comes with two-inch-thick steaks per package.


Locally raised, dry aged beef.
with customization by Taste Profit Marketing