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76 Cattle Farm Store

Did you know that we have a Farm Store? Swing by to shop our deep freezers and pick out your favorite beef cuts without the extra hassle of shipping. Bonus? You get to meet your farmers!

Farm Store Address:
117 Rd 8
Shickley, NE 68436

Call Us: +1 (402)-200-1211

** Do NOT take Road 8 off Hwy 74.  Google likes to direct people down the dirt road/trail.

Farm Store Hours:

Monday: Closed

Tuesday: Farmer's Market Geneva 5-6p East of Courthouse (Starts June 18)

Wednesday: Closed

Thursday: Closed

Friday: Closed for the summer

Saturday: Farmer's Market Sutton City Park 8a-12p (Starts July 13)

Sunday: Closed

For farm store and other farm news, make sure you’re signed up for our newsletter.

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