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The Ultimate Mom's Guide to Picking the Perfect Steak for the Grill

written by

Cassandra Row

posted on

May 13, 2024

Grilling season is upon us, and if you're a mom who doubles as the family chef, you know the pressure of serving up a meal that's both mouthwateringly delicious and nutritious. The centerpiece of many family barbecues? A perfectly grilled steak. But in the sea of meat cuts and labels that might as well be written in a foreign language, how do you know which steak to bring home? Relax, we've got you covered with a mom-friendly guide to choosing the best steak that’ll have your family asking for seconds.

1. Cut to the Chase:

First things first, know your cuts. For a fail-proof barbecue, stick to crowd-pleasers like the ribeye, New York strip, or the luxurious filet mignon. These cuts are the trifecta of flavor, tenderness, and grill-friendliness.

2. Fat is Your Friend:

Ever noticed those white flecks in a steak? That's marbling, and it's a good thing. It means flavor and tenderness. When picking a steak, look for one that's got a healthy amount of marbling. It’s like ensuring each bite is a juicy, flavorful explosion.

3. Quality is King:

While your wallet might nudge you towards the bargain bin, resist the temptation. Premium steaks might cost more, but they pay off in rich, decadent flavors. Remember, you’re not just buying dinner, you’re creating an experience.

4. Freshness First:

A fresh steak is a vibrant red, not dull or gray. But beware, some stores treat their steaks to keep them looking fresher longer. Always check the label or, better yet, buy from sources where you know the quality and freshness are guaranteed.

5. Thickness Counts:

Thin steaks can overcook in a heartbeat. For that perfect, juicy inside with a charred outside, choose steaks at least 1 inch thick. They’re more forgiving and ensure a perfectly cooked steak every time.

6. Grade Matters:

USDA grades like Prime, Choice, and Select are your roadmap to quality. Prime tops the chart with its unbeatable tenderness and flavor. It’s what steak dreams are made of.

7. Your Secret Weapon - The Butcher:

When in doubt, turn to the pros. Your local butcher or farmer knows their stuff. They can steer you towards the best steak for your grill and might even share some insider cooking tips.

And here’s a mom’s secret tip: To capture the essence of flavor and freshness, our steaks are frozen right after aging. This little trick locks in the rich flavors and tender textures, ensuring that every bite is as delightful as the last.

By keeping these simple tips in mind, you'll be all set to select the perfect steak that'll earn you the title of Grill Master in your household. Happy grilling, moms! Here's to creating more delicious memories with every bite.

You can buy delicious, nutritious, and healthy beef perfect for grilling in our store for small town beef straight to you.

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