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The Beefalooza: Reasons Why Beef Jerky and Sticks are the Best Snack

written by

Cassandra Row

posted on

February 8, 2024

Snacking is an enjoyable pastime for many of us, and while we enjoy munching on chips and fries, it’s time to elevate our snacking habits. Beef snacks like jerky and sticks have become an increasingly popular snack in recent years, and for good reason. They’re high in protein, low in fat, and perfect for those who need an energy boost throughout the day. But there are plenty of other reasons why beef jerky and sticks are the ultimate snack.

First, they Satisfies Hunger Pangs – Many people grab a bag of chips when they start feeling hunger pangs, but what they often don’t realize is that those greasy chips aren’t doing any favors for their health. Beef jerky and sticks, on the other hand, are protein-packed and keep you full for longer. They’re also a great snack to have on-hand between meals to ward off those nasty hunger pangs.

Second, they are Easy to Carry – If you’re stuck on a long journey or a road trip, having a snack that’s easy to carry and doesn’t need refrigeration is a godsend. Beef jerky and sticks are the perfect travel snacks as they’re conveniently packed and easy to toss in your bag. They’re also great for those post-workout snack breaks.

Third, they Keep You Healthy – The ingredients that go into beef jerky and sticks are typically wholesome. Properly sourced beef is leaner, and cleaner compared to other meat products, making it a healthier snack option for those looking to cut back on fat and sugar. Beef jerky and sticks have a long shelf life, which reduces the chances of adding preservatives.

Fourth, they are Affordable – There is a myth that beef jerky and sticks are expensive, but depending on where you buy them, they can actually be quite affordable. They’re cheaper than most protein bars and other snack items and will keep you satiated for longer.

Finally, Your Taste Buds Will be Happy – Snacking should be enjoyable and satisfying. Beef jerky and sticks lead the pack in flavor. 76 Cattle Co offers flavors that will jumpstart your tastebuds. With a mix of sweet, spicy, savory, and smoky tastes, there’s something for everyone. Such flavors are why it's easy to get hooked on these tasty treats.

Beef jerky and sticks are the ultimate snack that should always be in your pantry. They’re healthy, tasty, and convenient, making them a perfect snack choice whenever hunger strikes. Whether you’re a workout enthusiast, a busy traveler, or just a snacking fan, beef jerky and sticks are the perfect snack for you. So, grab your favorite flavor today, and thank us later!

You can buy delicious beef snacks on our store for small town beef straight to you.

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