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Snacks with Protein

written by

Cassandra Row

posted on

December 11, 2023

Anyone with kids can tell you that they live on snacks. When snacks are missed or are just fluff, hangry happens very quickly. Let’s be honest snacks are one of the highlights of anyone’s day and if you have kids, it’s a must in the day.

One of the keys to keeping kids, or even myself, fed is to make sure there is protein with every meal. It is important however because protein breaks down into amino acids which then build the body and make it run.

Protein breaks down slower than carbohydrates, keeping you fuller for longer. Snack time can be a difficult thing to get protein worked into. Most snacks on the shelves are carbohydrate rich.

Growing kids need protein. Adults need protein. We all need protein. This keeps everyone content, hangry attitudes away and blood sugar balanced.

As my family turned away from processed foods and to more natural whole food, snacks were a problem. Snacks usually are fruits, fresh or dried, or vegetables. As I realized the need for protein in our snack too, I had to get creative. Below are a few of our favorites that came out.

Peanut butter. It goes with everything if you ask my kids. We make sure to get the natural peanut butter without the extra stuff added. This does mean you’ll have to stir it.

Nuts. Favorites at our house are peanuts and pecans. We have had walnuts in the past, but they were not our favorite, so I stopped ordering them.

Beef Sticks or Jerky.  By far the favorite at our house. When were on the go, I used to make slab jerky out of the beef heart. This was enough on its own to keep everyone satisfied while out and about until the next big meal.

For the quick on the go, I don’t have time to make jerky, moments, I use our beef sticks or jerky. There’s usually a couple of sample packages or packages that did not seal correctly and we dig into those.

You can buy some of that delicious beef on our store for delicious beef straight to you.

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